Electrical Terminals +

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Electrical Terminals for Auto, Marine, Car, Truck, Bus, Bike, Caravan & Trailer, 4X4, 4WD, Industrial
Battery terminals to suit older batteries and the new smaller post style for automotive batteries.
6v, 12v, 24volt, automotive and marine electrical crimp terminals.
Many of these electrical terminals are rated up to 240 volts.
All "disconnectors" are double crimp with easy entry. ie; blade and bullet.
All of these quality insulated terminals and connectors are supplied in bags of 100 pcs unless marked.
Insulated crimp terminals and un-insulated brass terminals
Non-Insulated brass crimp terminals and copper lugs, check the list
We also have QUIKCRIMP (QUICK CRIMP) terminal part numbers where they cross over.
Type QKC in the search box, top left.
Waterproof terminals for 4WD and marine


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Code ↓NameCategoryThumbnail
SSS3803Shrink Solder Sleeve 2.7mmShrink Solder Sleeve
SSS3805Shrink Solder Sleeve 4.5mmShrink Solder Sleeve
SSS3806Shrink Solder Sleeve 6mmShrink Solder Sleeve
SSS3807Shrink Solder Sleeve 7mmShrink Solder Sleeve
SSS3808Shrink Solder Sleeve 8mmShrink Solder Sleeve
SSS3809Shrink Solder Sleeve 8.8mmShrink Solder Sleeve
UBFMUninsulated Bullet Female Terminal 4mmUninsulated Terminals
UBFMSLEEVEUninsulated Bullet Female Sleeve, NylonInsulators
UBMUninsulated Bullet Male Terminal 4mmUninsulated Terminals
UBMSLEEVEUninsulated Bullet Male Sleeve, NylonInsulators
UQFM28Uninsulated QC Female Terminal 2.8mm, 1/8"Uninsulated Terminals
V08PVC Sleeve for 8mm ² Copper LugsInsulators
V14PVC Sleeve for 16mm ² Copper LugsInsulators
V22PVC Sleeve for 25mm ² Copper LugsInsulators
V38PVC Sleeve for 35mm ² Copper LugsInsulators
V60PVC Sleeve for 50mm ² Copper LugsInsulators
YBFMYellow Bullet Female TerminalYellow
YBMYellow Bullet Male TerminalYellow
YBSYellow Butt SpliceYellow
YBS-HYellow Butt Splice With AdhesiveYellow
YFS-4Yellow Fork 4mm TerminalYellow
YFS-5Yellow Fork 5mm TerminalYellow
YFS-6Yellow Fork 6mm TerminalYellow
YPBYellow Piggy Back TerminalYellow
YQFM63Yellow Spade Female Terminal 6.3mmYellow
YQFM96Yellow Female Spade Terminal 9.6mmYellow
YQFU63Yellow Spade Female Fully Insulated Terminal 6.3mmYellow
YQFU63-HTYellow QC Female Fully Insulated Hi Temp 6.3mmYellow
YQFU96Yellow Spade Female Fully Insulated Terminal 9.6mmYellow
YQM63Yellow Spade Male Terminal 6.3mmYellow
YQMU63-HTYellow Male Spade Fully Insulated Terminals Hi TemYellow
YRS-10Yellow Ring Single Grip Terminal 10mm Stud HoleYellow
YRS-12Yellow Ring Single Grip Terminal 12mm Stud HoleYellow
YRS-4Yellow Ring Single Grip Terminal 4mm Stud HoleYellow
YRS-5Yellow Ring Single Grip Terminal 5mm Stud HoleYellow
YRS-6Yellow Ring Single Grip Terminal 6mm Stud HoleYellow
YRS-8Yellow Ring Single Grip Terminal 8mm Stud HoleYellow
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